Amnesty International

︎Rights in older age 

Forget growing old gracefully. When we're being robbed of our basic human rights – it's time to make some noise!

Amnesty has teamed up with global non-profits to frame elder abuse as a human rights concern and campaign for with a UN convention (similar to the protections afforded young people).

Our winning pitch ditched the whole "us vs. them" narrative and pious pity for ageing. Whether you’re Eight or eighty, we want everyone to Age Loud and demand a world where human rights last a lifetime. 
Working for the International Secretariat, we designed the process so the 60+ regional branches had the opportunity to have their say.

The work is now being implemented by teams as diverse as Nigeria, Poland, Belgium, and South Korea with many more to follow in year two.
Client: Amnesty International
Agency: Distillery
Art Director: Karl Blankley
Director: Max Sobol

Discover more about the Age Loud! Campaign and how you can help demand a world where human rights last a lifetime. Visit

Wednesday June 19 2024
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