North Wales


Virtual Rhyl-ality

Rhyl is your typical faded seaside town where a lack of opportunities and decades of shortsighted planning has produced a stalemate for growth. A pervasive nostalgia for the old days remained but when notions of a town are so deeply entrenched it’s hard to imagine an alternative future.
Contrasting the highs of the funfair to the depression on the highstreet, Charlie Manthorp and I played the role of documentary film makers investigating the idea gravity was in flux in the north wales town.

This conceit was our ‘macguffin’ to prompt conversations and collaborations with locals. The resulting documentary trailer was later screened in the town and used as a prompt to further conversation.
The project concluded with presentations and exhibitions in Rhyl and London to local community organisations and MPs.

Project: Virtual Rhyl-ality
Creatives: Adam Kirby and Charlie Manthorp

Additional filming: Wicked Wales Rhyl

Floating ideas

The sci-fi conceit provoked conversation with locals on what else we could do with the town (beyond building a shopping centre). Below, is the result of those discussions... 

Clockwise top left: Trying to float seaweed, the greenscreen to film participants flying, the Rhyl screening.